Monday 15 September 2014

Artist influence: Greg Tocchini & Gustav Klimt

Greg Tocchini is a comic book artist. The reason why I have chosen him as a source of inspiration is because I love his vivid use of gesture, colour and movement in strokes and shape. Looking at the colour they feel very saturated but the values ground them. Looking at the gesture of the figures I can see that  the figures are very expressive and fluid. Looking at the female figure, we can see there is a rhythm to the form, which makes it pleasant to look at. Finally, looking at the shapes they are designed in a way that have great moment. This is especially evident in the clouds.

Here I've decided to put Gustav Klimt next to Tochini as I want to blend Element of Tochini's work with Gustav's simplicity and use of pattern. The way Gustav uses texture is used in a fashion sense and like a texture. The use of fluid line of line reveal the women in sensuous and elegant manner. The absence of rendering of the females gives an emphasis on there graphic shapes, which balanced with the detail on the hair, gives this complete image. I like this approach as it gives a focus on emotion rather then being attacked with information.

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