Tuesday 21 October 2014

Faceless void

I couldn't really make myself enjoy this task and I felt this was strange as I like doing creatures. I think the reason was because I couldn't make a compelling story for it to create an interesting design. Therefore, I wan't interested in designing it.

Monday 20 October 2014

Master Studies

I'm starting to realize the emphasis on shapes and angles in the study I did of Mead Shaffer's paintings. I would like to apply this in my own paintings.


I'm having trouble in picking a process of painting on the right it focus on getting the right shapes, which are placed on separate layers and I can get very textured. However, It feels very procedural and gets boring on the right I'm thinking of the same on the right aswell as value.


I 'm following this tutorial by Etyan Zana, which focuses on thumbnails and using lock transparency on shapes. I find I can get a great deal of clarity, design and texture using this process.

Fix Up

Material Study

I found doing the texture task very difficult, as I like bold shapes and the bigger picture I t meant I had to spend more time looking.  When I do more texture sheets I want to implement more energy and design into them.

The Type of World

Withe the mood board above I figure I wanted make a world that was ornate, had high rising towers, had some link with creatures and was based in fantasy. the mood board on the pages from the Kells is for my love for patterns which I feel should be in my world.


I really loved doing the exercise I'm starting to realize a greater appreciation for the more animated style as it has emphasis and I feel more free when sketching like the images below.